Thursday, June 7, 2007

Oxfres - a tale of two cities

Oxford its not, but Fresno is home. It is a mercy of God that we returned to a Fresno June that contained temperatures in the 70's. It's been beautiful. We are glad to be home.

Fresno has no Thames but it has the Kings. It has no Lewis or Tolkein but it has Saroyan and Masumoto. It has no Eagle and Child but it does have Sequoia. It has no Christ Church Cathedral but it does have St. Johns. Students here are in shorts and flip flops, not the scholar's gown and formal attire of the high table, but they are students aspiring for something better nonetheless. There is only one Oxford, and it will forever move nand inspire me like no other city can. But there is also only one Fresno, and holds me like no other city.

I shared with my friend Matt this morning that if Oxford reminds me how I am wired, how God put me together, why I notice and care about the things that I care about, and frees me be that person, Fresno reminds me of my resoponsibility to put who I am into service for the sake of God's Kingdom.

Its a tale of two cities, and the way they speak to my life.

Our friends have welcomed us back, and the house was in pretty good shape too, thanks to Jameson and his friend Tim who held down the fort in our absence. Tina is back at work full time, and I have turned my attention to framing the next three months for maximum focus on what's ahead both institutionally and professionally.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey...looks like we just missed each other in you arrived, I departed.

Perhaps we can talk later this summer. I may pass through in July, but only if the weather gets a lot hotter... :)

Mike K
