Thursday, July 5, 2007

Something More One Day

A friend gave us a slab of green marble a decade ago. It's been sitting behind a shelf in my spidery carraige house collecting dust. You don't throw away marble. I knew it would become something more one day, even if for the time being it was a haven for black widows.

Then Jameson mentioned that he needed a writing desk to work on. After dragging ourselves without luck to half a dozen furniture stores and even a trip to IKEA in Sacramento, it dawned on me that we could use the marble and build something ourselves. We found some beautiful cherry to surround the marble. With a clear finish on it (no stain), the amber swirls really look beautiful next to the marble. Jameson and I had never built a piece of fine furniture before. We designed it together, measured together, cut the pieces together, re-cut the pieces together, corrected our mistakes together, and sweated together in the workshop. When it was finished we shook our heads and marveled at the outcome. It was the "something more" that was meant to be. What a great project this was for us!

It's true of me too. I am raw material -- albeit more like sandstone than marble. Parts of my life are standing alone in a forgotten corner, gathering dust and who knows what else. But God knows my potential, perhaps even has some other costly material to surround me with. And someday, someone will stand over me too, smiling with pride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your stories and poems and thoughts and prayers have been so encouraging to me. an ever needed reminder to be still and know that He is God, while also opening up yourself to the journey and challenges He has for you. thank you for sharing :)

Sarah Strand
