Sunday, October 17, 2010


"Please sir ... I won't ask you for money ... but if you could buy me some corn flakes I can eat for five days." She was visibly pregnant and on the street. Thrown out by her family. No prospects. It was a typical story, one that I have encountered in many cities around the world, my own included. Here in Cape Town I am getting accosted daily, by men and women and children. I learned from two significant Johns in my life -- John Stott and John Perkins years ago that giving money is seldom the loving thing to do, and my general policy is to rule it out in most cases. But I could not not respond, so I went to the market with her, bought her groceries and then violated my policy -- I let her keep the change. I told her that I would pray that if she sold the food I just bought her or used the change on drugs or alcohol that she would get really sick. I felt bad about that later. But there you have it. In the end he told me she would get a room with the money. Having heard every story in the book I am pretty sensitive to BS, and I didn't sense any from her. I prayed for her. She asked questions about her salvation, unsure that God would accept her as she was. I tried to tell her that when God looked at her he glowed with love and devotion to his daughter, that he thought the world of her. Her brown eyes got a bit wider but she said nothing. The conversation was as fertile as her three-month profile.

Her name was Jade. I wondered as I walked to my hotel whether she could ever come to believe that, like her namesake, she is precious. Can she ever feel treasured, like a precious stone? Could the Lord carve his image deeply into her frame -- smooth away the rough edges created by the street -- so so that everyone could recognize her infinite value?

Will we ever get to the point where she has somewhere to turn, besides a random white man who happened by in this part of town? I didn't care anymore whether she was lying to me. Tonight I pray a tired and pensive prayer for Jade.

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