Saturday, May 5, 2007

Oxford: Twenty Days In

Time to read, to ponder, to see with new eyes. I know the same thoughts are available to me in my "normal" life. I could order the books. I could meditate on the great thoughts. But then Everybody Loves Raymond would come on and I'd have to give profundity a rest. I'd have Frank Barone's "holy crap!" ringing in my ears, instead of this from Luther:

"This is the ineffible and infinite mercy of God,

Which the slender capacity of man's heart cannot comprehend

-- And much less utter --

The unfathomable depth and burning zeal

Of God's love toward us."

Morning sun by Brasenose College in the Radcliffe Square. Most of my study is done just steps from this place. Tina walks me there, then goes off exploring, checking email at a local cafe, and sitting inf full people watching mode. I go to the upper reserve reading room in the Bodleian where I chew on stuff like this, from Jean Vanier, founder of the L'Arch communities serving the severely disabled. Henri Nouwen refers to him a lot:

"For many years I have tried to follow Jesus. I have tasted this joy and growth to freedom.But I have struggled too. I have touched my own mediocrity and ambivilence, letting myself sink into the quagmire of my own fears and desires for control and comfort; my fear of rejection, of being dishonored, seen as guilty, condemned by others. I have touched the vulnerability of my heart and the troubled waters of emptiness and anguish. I have protected this vulnerability through my own defense mechanisms and angers, and various forms of flight." (From Jean Vanier, Jesus, the Gift of Love, pp 2-3)

It hasn't all been profound. Sometimes we have the joy of trying new things, like liver pate. I was game. I think you can see Tina's reaction.


Anonymous said...

I love reading these funny!


Anonymous said...

Just in case any of you are wondering:

Randy went on to eat a second portion of English liver pate. And still he lives.

Tina sensibly refused. But photographic evidence may yet be forthcoming of her sampling surprising quantities of hedgerow jam!


Anonymous said...

Sorry folks: Tina DID try the pate, she tells me. But I never saw it - maybe we should ask her for a re-run so we can make photographic evidence for the blog?!

